Full Transparency by grade level and school, specific curriculum information
Include by grade level and school, specific curriculum information posted on each school’s website ensuring timely updates when changes are made. Currently, only generalities are available. For true transparency, more specifics are warranted in terms of what topics parents can expect their children to focus on in a given course throughout a semester or full-year timeline. To respect each teacher’s professional freedom, in addition to improved district posted curriculum information, this may require teachers to add details regarding the classes they teach on Schoology including materials, methods and outlines not listed in the general district curriculum information. While this may require some initial work, and updating as state standards change, updates should not require significant amounts of staff time after the initial set-up. An example of a more transparent curriculum from a district level for First Grade may look like something like the following.
Compared to what is currently available on the 728 website which is not grade-specific and lacks detail, resources used and specific timelines by grade regarding topics and methods used for teaching.